Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cure Swine Flu

First and foremost this article is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. It is simply intended to educate one who must take accountability for their own actions at all times.

The swine flu is now being called a pandemic by the World Health Organization. This morning I read that over 600 cases worldwide have been diagnosed. Before one goes coo coo for cocoa puffs realize first and foremost that each winter there are over a thousand cases of the common cold in just the United States alone at one time. Each flu season, thousands contract the flu between the months of October and March. Realize that this is also the time of year where most individuals are indoors because of the cold and receive less sunlight than any time of the year. We need sunlight as it is the only way our bodies produce vitamin D which is essential in order to metabolize other essential vitamins and minerals.

Realize that the media ALWAYS can make something look better or worse than it is. People love tragedy for some reason more than happy stories. This sells advertising and when mass media can report a story in which will scare people, mass hysteria and panic can occur and the media can sell advertising at high rates.

If for some reason though you should by some chance contract the swine flu, ridding yourself of it is not complex. While there may not be any medical cure, realize that the medical doctors of the world have been trained in drugs and surgery alone. Not knowing a cure is through no fault of their own. However the only cause ever for concern would be if there was suddenly a mass innoculation for the entire nation. Until that happens one can simply ensure they have proper knowledge on how to ride ones self of the flu just in case.
Influenza is a virus that typically begins to appear in the Fall and then recedes as Spring progresses. The H1N1 “Swine” Flu is apparently a typical influenza virus, in that it has many of the same symptoms as a common cold, but often starts with a high spiking fever, shaking chills, headache, muscle ache, and pain when moving the eyes. What is unusual is the time of year that it started, and that it is a new strain so not much is known about it.

Emergency warning signs in children include: fast breathing or trouble breathing, bluish skin color, dehydration, not waking up or interacting, and being very irritable. Emergency warning signs in adults include: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion, and severe or persistent vomiting.

There is a possibility that the H1N1 flu will infect a larger percentage of our population than is usually seen, as is usually seen when a flu strain is not one of the three strains included in the annual vaccine. It is not believed that this past year’s flu vaccine will provide coverage against this strain of the flu. At this point there is no indication that this strain of the flu is more deadly than a typical flu virus. The CDC has established a detailed webpage about the H1N1 flu and it is being updated regularly: For more information about the signs of dehydration and how to prevent/treat it, please read this article: Treating Intestinal Illness The best way to prevent the spread of flu is through good hand washing, avoiding people who have flu-like symptoms, for people who have questionable or definite symptoms to avoid being out in public, and to have a healthy diet, avoiding sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and processed food, along with adequate intake of vitamins and minerals. At the end of this article are some recommendations for supplements that can be used as a preventive measure. Please note the addition of the Vitamin D information; this is a new recommendation that was not included in previous editions of my flu article.

There are 2 anti-viral medications that appear to be effective against the H1N1 flu. Tamiflu can be used in adults and children over 1 year old, and Relenza is available for people over 7 years old. The effectiveness for both of these significantly declines if started after the second day of symptoms. These medications are not necessary to recover from the H1N1 flu, and most of the initial cases in the USA were not treated with these medicines and they recovered. If a family of one of our patients suspects the flu and wants to start an anti-viral medication, they should contact our office as soon as possible.

There are several supplements that I have found to be helpful in minimizing the effects of the flu. These therapies are most effective when started IMMEDIATELY upon the first signs or symptoms, and with the exception of the Vitamin A, should be continued for several days after symptoms subside. We have made these remedies available at Wholistic Pediatrics, and I recommend getting these products now as part of a “flu-preparedness kit”. To have a full round of therapy, 2 bottles of Elderberry are needed for young children and 4 bottles are needed for older children and adults. 1 box of Oscillococcinum is needed per person regardless of age. The other supplements come in larger amounts and can be shared within the family. Women who are pregnant should be able to take the dose listed for young children, though safety data is not complete. Therapies for when coming down with Flu Symptoms:
1) ELDERBERRY- An herb that appears to have direct anti-influenza viral activity. Children as young as 6 months of age can use this (although some people have used the product in younger children). There are many elderberry products on the market. In the office we carry the encapsulated liquid extract (Phyto-Caps) from Gaia/Professional Solutions. The dose for older children and adults is 2 capsules 4 times a day. For younger children and people who do not swallow pills, we carry Sambucus, (by Nature’s Way) which is an updated version of Sambucol. Younger children should take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day, and older children and adults should take 2 teaspoons 4 times a day.

2) OSCILLOCOCCINUM - A homeopathic remedy that has been shown to be effective in small studies. I have personally had success with this product, although some families are concerned about the lactose/casein content. If it really seemed like flu was going through my community, I would strongly consider using it. Each small vial contains little sugar pellets (containing lactose) that are most effective if allowed to dissolve under the tongue. Three doses a day for 2 days is the recommended amount. Small children can chew the pellets if necessary. For the youngest children, give a few at a time to make sure they can handle it. Another alternative is to dissolve the pellets in about ½ teaspoon of warm water, and then give this slowly, a few drops at a time so that it there is more contact with the oral lining. As with any homeopathic remedy, it is most effective when given away from food, herbs, or strong flavors like mint or cinnamon in toothpaste.

3) VITAMIN A - in a mycelized natural or palmitate form, (instead of one that is mostly Beta Carotene) Vitamin A seems to have strong anti-viral activity. High doses should never be used for more than 2 days in a row. The liver can be damaged if used for long periods of time at these doses. The dosing provided here is anecdotal, based upon my and other doctors’ experience. Studies have not been done to confirm them. The amount give per dose: for children under 6 months, 10000 IU; children 6-12 months, 15000 IU; children 12-24 months, 20000 IU; children 2-3 years, 25000-30000 IU; children 5-7 years; 50000 IU; children 7-10, 75000 IU; children 11-14,100000 IU; and people 15 and older,150,000 IU. These doses are to be used twice a day for 2 days only. These high doses may be problematic for people with clotting difficulty or liver disease. It is advisable to give/take a ½ dose when not sick to make sure it is tolerated. There are both liquid drops and capsules available. In our office we have a concentrated liquid that has 5,000IU per single drop (not dropper) as well as capsules that contain 25,000IU.

4) VITAMIN C - preferably as Ester C or Buffered C. Doses listed here are the total amount per day and should be divided in 3-4 doses. For children under 1 year of age give 100mg per month of age. For children up to age 5, 1000mg per year of age, and as much as possible for older children and adults, as long as the stool does not become loose. Our office has capsules that are 250 and 500mg, 250mg chewable tablets, and a powder that has 1100mg per 1/4 teaspoon.

5) ZINC - this mineral should be given divided into at least 2 doses spread through the day. For children under 2 -12 months old give 10-15mg a day, for children between 1 and 3 give 20-30 mg daily, for older children give 50 mg a day, and adults can take 75-100 mg a day. This should be divided into 2-3 doses throughout the day. We carry capsules of 20, 25 and 50mg, and a liquid that has 20mg per teaspoon.

6) LARIX - This is an herb derived from the bark of the Western Larch tree. The active ingredient, arabinogalactan, is the same as Echinacea, which is believed to increase production of white blood cells. Larix has been found to be much stronger than Echinacea when using similar amounts, and can be used by patients over 6 months of age. For adults and older children, the dose is 2 tablets 3 times a day, and younger children who can swallow pills should give 1 tablet 3 times a day. There is also a powder available. Adults and large children should use 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, and smaller children should use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. For children less than 6 months of age, there are alcohol free extracts of Echinacea that can be used. For children under 3 months of age use 5 drops 4 times a day and for children 3-6 months use 10 drops 4 times a day. Echinacea should not be used as a daily preventative.
Daily supplements to strengthen the immune system against Flu
These are doses of therapies that can be taken longer-term until the flu threat has been lessened:

1) Vitamin C: young children (under 5) can take 250mg twice a day and older children and adults can take 500mg twice a day

2) Zinc- younger children can take 5mg daily and older children and adults can take 10mg a day

3) Vitamin A- children 2-24 months can take 1250IU daily, children 2-5 years old can take 2500IU daily and people over 5 can take 5000IU daily

4) Larix – younger children can take ¼ teaspoon of the powder once a day, and older children and adults can take ½ teaspoon or 1 tablet once a day

5) Elderberry – Young children can take 1 teaspoon daily, and adults and older children can take 2 capsule daily.

6) Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D, while known for its use in calcium absorption, is also very important to help fight off infections. Quite possibly, part of the reason that the “flu season” occurs in the winter is because people do not spend as much time outdoors. If possible, people should get their 25-hydroxy vitamin D level checked and get the value above 50ng/ml. If not able to check a level, all adults can take 5000IU of Vitamin D3, children under 25 lbs can take 1000IU, children 25-50 lbs can take 2000IU, and children over 50 lbs can take 3000IU. We have capsules of 1000, 2000 and 5000IU as well as a concentrated liquid that has 1000IU per single drop. If a person is suspected to have a vitamin D deficiency, either revealed by testing or from lack of direct sun exposure (sunscreen blocks the formation of active vitamin D), I would consider taking 5 times the dose mentioned above for 1 week in order to build up the body’s levels and then drop down to the maintenance dose. For more information about vitamin D, go to

7) Selenium – this powerful antioxidant has been shown in animal studies to decrease lung damage in mice who contracted influenza virus. Children under 1 year old can safely take around 50mcg daily, children 1-4 years can take 100-125mcg, children over 4 years old and adults can take 200mcg. In our office we have capsules of 100mcg and a liquid that has 66mcg per single drop.

Also realize that while made controversial by the FDA, colloidial silver has been a silver bullet at times for many. As long as the source of silver is pure and gallons a day are not induced, colloidial silver has proven extremely beneficial for many many individuals for centuries.

I hope this information has been able to help in some way. Again ensure you do your research so you make the proper decisions for you and your family and never let an outside source scare you when the truth and answers can be found within.

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